Straitjacket adventures!

BL466 | Posted by Gina on 17 October 2015

I was visiting an old asylum, but sadly there’s not much left of it. Still, I felt like it was very appropriate to wear a straitjacket and no shoes while I was inside! There was no one there, so why not! Okay, well there were a few people downstairs and there was a guy on the roof of the next building, they could have seen me. Maybe they did, but as usual, no one said anything! I love these white tiles and hard cold floors! I wish I could be in an asylum for a few months, I would love it! I’m already crazy, so why not! Whahaha!

The office wardrobe!

BL465 | Posted by Gina on 10 October 2015

I was visiting Roxanne at the huge office building where she works and I spotted this perfect wardrobe! Needless to say, we went back on another day (in the evening, when almost everyone was gone), and we had some fun with it! It is perfect for being cuffed!! I wish I had a wardrobe like this at home! You can even close the heavy doors! I secretly wish I would have been left there, only to be discovered by office managers the next day!!

Caged in a super heavy collar

BL464 | Posted by Gina on 03 October 2015

I found my 3 kilo collar again! And this time a nut and bolt are locking it, which I can not open with my fingers! But never mind that, look at this awesome cage! It was custom built and once you are locked in, you can not get out without the use of a hex key. There’s no padlock or visible door when it is closed! My head poked through the top and my collar was locked to the cage with heavy chains. This cage is so small, even for me!! I just love metal!

Posture collar and armbag

BL463 | Posted by Gina on 26 September 2015

Oooooh I got this new posture collar!! So I wanted to try it straight away! It’s very different, it has an actual chin rest! Which is great! I can not move my head at all, but at least my face can rest! I am also strapped in one of those armbag armbinders, they are very comfortable as well! You might say this is a very comfortable update!! Hmm, well, I have to be honest, the posture collar is a little big for me, so if anyone wants to buy it just contact me!

Dental spreader!

BL462 | Posted by Gina on 19 September 2015

After so many updates, I always think it will be hard to come up with something new. But it isn’t! Fans send me the craziest stuff all the time! This week’s mysterious parcel contained a dental spreader plastic thingie! Wow this is a super effective gag! I couldn’t even talk! And the drool amount is massive! Massive!!!! It is crazy, I really need to train myself with this thing, because I love the extreme look and the helplessness! I hope you like it too!!

RigidFiddle prison day

BL461 | Posted by Gina on 12 September 2015

A real prison holding cell! I just had to email the people from to try it! I brought my own orange jumpsuit, RigidFiddle and ballgag! And they were a bit surprised, they thought I wanted to be handcuffed! But no!! A RigidFiddle is better to prevent me from removing the ballgag and I really wanted to be gagged the whole time! Which was about 6 hours. I know, it was a little short, but that was all the time we had ๐Ÿ™ I really need to find a guy with a prison in his basement!

Strappado on the stairs

BL460 | Posted by Gina on 05 September 2015

A new strappado opportunity!! I think one of the first strappados I did was tied to some stairs in my old house (bonus points if you can find the update on this site). Now, whenever I see stairs, I think about how it would be to have my arms raised high behind my back again! This time, my ankle cuffs are wrapped around the stairs so I can’t cheat and go up the stairs! It is really hard, but I love hard positions!!

Introducing Roxanne!

BL459 | Posted by Gina on 29 August 2015

After about 10 years of blogging, I thought it would be nice if you could see some of the faces behind the camera! My lovely friend Roxanne for example! She has been helping me for years, and we have know each other for ages! She is a bit camera shy and she always said she’d never appear on any websites, but here she is!! She’s lovely isn’t she! She is helping me today lacing me into a brand new white corset that was sent to me by a fan!! Thank you so much (you know who you are!!). Damn, Roxanne can lace really tight!!

Prison belt and thumcuffs outdoors

BL458 | Posted by Gina on 22 August 2015

Exciting!! Outdoors in my bra! What if anyone would see me like this? I can not do anything about it, because I am gagged and my thumbs are cuffed to a leather prison belt! There is no way I can even reach the belt buckle on my back! Thumbcuffs are so cool! They are even better on big toes of course, I might try that next time! I know a lot of you are also doing secret public bondage walks, I hope you are still doing them, the weather is great, and it is very exciting!!

Chastity bra!

BL457 | Posted by Gina on 15 August 2015

Surprise!! I have a chastity bra now!! And it really is AWESOME! I decided to wear it all day yesterday, and I am already getting used to it! Sleeping will be very hard, but I am determined to train myself to sleep in it! It really goes well with my belt and collar don’t you think? It is the best feeling in the world to be locked in steel! Oh, and how about these cooool pantyhoses!! I received those from a fan!!! I’m so spoiled!

Bikini bondage!

BL456 | Posted by Gina on 08 August 2015

Aaah summer! Don’t you just want to go somewhere to sunbathe in bondage gear!? Well, I do! And it is getting pretty hard to do that these days, because people are always gossiping and looking. And you can’t be where kids are. And all that. Anyway, I found myself a nice little spot that doesn’t have too many people around. Some people looked at me, but no one said anything. I was in my bikini, leg irons, white leather cuffs, and a tall white leather collar. Because I don’t care… and it’s summer!!

Treadmill training in ballet boots

BL455 | Posted by Gina on 01 August 2015

I am pretty good at walking in ballet boots now, so I thought I’d try that on a treadmill! I handcuffed myself to the treadmill for safety, and for extra safety I clipped the little emergency cord to my shorts. However, even with all these safety measures, I can not stress enough: DO NOT try this at home!! It is pretty dangerous, and I am a trained professional LOL! ๐Ÿ™‚ Besides, it was a member request so I had to do it!

Armbinder fun in the attic

BL454 | Posted by Gina on 25 July 2015

Whoo I love armbinders! I am having a little dress up party in my attic, because I found a leopard legging (sent in by a fan) and my hippie hairband! Tall boots go well with this look! You can’t beat leather and leggings! My 3-ringed collar would allow for 3 Masters, but I have not even got one Master (yes, I know it is sad). I’m just having some fun on my own, training my shoulder muscles!


BL453 | Posted by Gina on 18 July 2015

Woooooooow look at this huge archive I found at the office of a dear friend! It is so much steel and frames! I always dreamed of being cuffed at a workplace, and now my dream could become a reality! I was handcuffed to two big steel archive wheels! We did all of this very secretly, anyone could have come in at this point, but who needs to be in the archive… I don’t think it was even in use. But it was still exciting! Have you ever been cuffed at your place of work?

Dog shock collar

BL452 | Posted by Gina on 11 July 2015

There are lots of people doing videos with dog shock collars! I was very interested in trying this myself. I haven’t played much with electricity before, so it was a little scary. I tried to set a goal for myself: to raise the shock level higher and higher, zapping myself without making any sound!! Well, it was actually not really possible to make a sound because somehow my vocal chords were not working during the shocks. This is very strange, maybe I should have put the thing more to the side instead of in front. It hurts a lot, but it is also a fun challenge!

A leather mistake

BL451 | Posted by Gina on 04 July 2015

Hmmm sometimes I am a little blonde! A fan sent me these things which I thought were leather bondage gloves. They were a bit big, but ok, I managed to do a sexy shoot with them, with a leather skirt (also a fan gift) and a spiky bra (also a fan gift I think). I locked the gloves to my collar and my elbows were strapped, so it was quite hard!! But what do you know… turns out these aren’t gloves at all, they are leather bondage socks!! LOL!! hahaha xxx

The head bondage device

BL450 | Posted by Gina on 27 June 2015

The stuff you are sending!! Who is inventing this! Really? A head bondage thing that suspends your head from the ceiling with leather straps? Actually it is not that bad, the idea is pretty good! It was nice that I could rest my head and my chin looks really good in this! And it is red! Very nice! I rummaged through my leather collection to find matching cuffs, and I ended up having a lot of fun (and looking silly at the same time)!

Sweeping the floor in ballet boots

BL449 | Posted by Gina on 20 June 2015

Sometimes even I need to do boring things, like clean the house. But I always seem to find a way to make these things fun! Sweeping the floor is boring, but if you do it in ballet heels, it is suddenly a lot more fun! I can’t believe how far I have come, training myself to walk in these heels! For the fans that have been following me since the start, remember my first wobbly steps?? Hahah, that was so funny!

Cuffed next to highway

BL448 | Posted by Gina on 13 June 2015

Summer fun! I went out in my speedcuffs and leg irons, for a little walk, like I often do! I know a lot of you also like to walk in cuffs, so I hope this summer will bring you a lot of fun! I was near a highway, so I could wave a the cars, and I think they could see me! It was probably a good thing they couldn’t stop! I wonder what they were all thinking!

Latex fun

BL447 | Posted by Gina on 06 June 2015

Some people have been asking if I have a hood! No I don’t! I never tried a full hood and I think it would be scary! But I do have this latex hood! And a latex top! And latex pants! And latex gloves! And latex socks! And a latex gag! And a latex sheet! That’s actually a lot of latex, most of it was donated by generous fans! I decided to have some fun with it, not exactly bondage, but it is very fetishy to make it all shiny and slippery!