Metal on latex

BL263 | Posted by Gina on 26 November 2011

So you wanted to see my chastity belt locked on top of the latex suit? I think that is a great idea! Metal and latex look great! Only one disadvantage: there is nooooo chance of any stimulation or sex with these two layers 🙁 Latex and a chastity belt on top: the ultimate protection and frustration!! By the way: I think I am getting used to the latex feeling… it is very different from anything I have ever experienced!

Dancing and exercising in RigidStock

BL262 | Posted by Gina on 19 November 2011

These RigidStocks are funny, but you can not do much when you are locked in one. I am also tightly ballgagged, but there is no chance to take off the gag. So I decided to have some fun anyway, seeing if I can dance and exercise in a RigidStock. Sitting down, getting up, lying down, no problem for me!! Hmm, I think you can see my belt if you look closely, but I can’t pull my dress down so you will have to forgive me for that 🙂


BL261 | Posted by Gina on 12 November 2011

Do you like being hogcuffed? It is hard! But I really like the helpless feeling 🙂 Here is a member’s request of me hogcuffed and bare footed. I’m always glad to try and fulfill member requests! Watch me squirm and struggle on the floor, the cuffs are really hurting when you struggle, but it is fun as well!

Latex bed sheet!

BL260 | Posted by Gina on 05 November 2011

I received this latex bed sheet and pillow casings as a gift from a fan! That is so sweet 🙂 I have never even thought of a latex bed sheet before, so it was quite exciting! To be on this rubber bed wearing my new latex catsuit is a wonderful feeling, I just can’t describe it! Is this why rubber enthusiasts get so excited!? I can imagine! It feels like nothing I ever experienced!