Grocery shopping

BL554 | Posted by Gina on 24 June 2017

What is it like to live in a chastity belt? Well, I don’t even think about it anymore. I think most of you are more obsessed about my belt than I am. I just think it is normal. I would feel strange without my belt. It helps me focus on my daily tasks and it keeps me safe. I can do everything in a belt, including sports (horse riding), sleeping, and clean myself (quite good). There’s only 1 thing I can’t do hahaa. But going to the supermarket is easy. If you want to know what that looks like, watch today’s video! Well, usually I don’t lift my shirt all the time, but I had to show you that I am still belted!

Back to my old belt

BL553 | Posted by Gina on 17 June 2017

So I am going to go back to my old belt for a while, because the NeoSteel is in repair (don’t ask what happened lol). Anyway, a fan asked if I ever did hair bondage. I don’t think I did, but then again, I did so many things I can’t even remember hahaha 😀 Especially for you, I tried some hair bondage this week. It was very interesting, but I need to find out the proper technique because it did not look so good I think. It was a normal hogcuff with my hair tied to my toes! Let me know what you think!

Duo hogcuff

BL552 | Posted by Gina on 10 June 2017

I love hogcuffs so much! It’s time to do a double hogcuff with my dearest friend Roxanne. A duo hogcuff! Can we help each other to escape? Or will we just enjoy this position for a while? I just know that I am not very good at escaping and Roxanne hasn’t got much experience with bondage. So we are probably doomed. Would you let us out if you found us like this? We hope so!

Fan request – ski outfit

BL551 | Posted by Gina on 03 June 2017

A fan asked me to wear a ski outfit in bondage. I said ‘sure, send me one’, thinking I would never hear from him again. I get so many of these email requests. Sure enough, a few days later, a few complete ski outfits arrived. Ok, you got me there, now I had to do it. It was pretty hot, but I think it was a great comfortable feeling to be fiddled and gagged in this outfit! I may even take a ski holiday next winter (of course I will take my fiddle and gag then!). This is more interesting than I thought!