Making the bed

BL507 | Posted by Gina on 30 July 2016

I was making the bed when Roxanne dropped by. She is so funny! Roxanne is very curious about my chastity belt, so she takes every opportunity to look at it and ask lots of questions about it. I did not even know her yet when I was locked for 2 years (from 2008 till 2010), so for her it is all new. I don’t think she will ever lock herself in a chastity belt, but she sure is very curious!

Cuffed alone at home

BL506 | Posted by Gina on 23 July 2016

(Yes, I am still locked in my chastity belt, this update was shot before I got locked in my NeoSteel) – I love five point restraints! Neck, wrists, and ankles! Especially if the chain is very short so I can not walk or stand up! It is fun, and I have spent many hours watching TV like this. Now, sleeping is a different story. It is possible, but please don’t try this unless you have some experience sleeping in cuffs. Make sure to double lock your cuffs (especially your neck cuff) so they can not tighten overnight!! Take care and have fun! xx

A summer walk in leg irons

BL505 | Posted by Gina on 16 July 2016

I know there are many fans of my outdoor ankle cuffed walks! I remember how many emails and comments I got whenever I posted an update about this. Because most of you like to take ankle cuffed walks too! That’s so great! I hope the weather is as nice as it is over here and you can make time for a nice ankle cuffed walk today. Go out, enjoy the sun! And comment here if you did 😉

Hidden under my dress

BL504 | Posted by Gina on 09 July 2016

I’m proud to be back in a chastity belt again! This awesome NeoSteel is the best belt ever! The fit is perfect, it is very secure! There is no way I can touch myself. I can use the toilet in the belt (both functions) and I can shower and take baths. Of course, some cleaning breaks will be necessary, but I do NOT have a key. Roxanne is holding two keys. The other one is in a safe at a secure location. It was quite easy to get back into wearing it, as I was locked from 2008 to 2010 I remembered all the little tricks and solutions. I guess it’s safe to say it will not come off for a long time! I’m so happy!

Back in the belt

BL503 | Posted by Gina on 02 July 2016

You probably remember I received a custom made NeoSteel belt at Christmas. And I have not worn it much. It was sent by a fan, but even after all the insisting from him and other fans, I was still hesitant to go back to the chastity lifestyle that I lived from 2008 till 2010. It is a hard life. Uncomfortable, and well… you can not have any pleasure, sex, boyfriends, or normal dates. But I’m now at a point in my life that I don’t care anymore. I am ready to go back in the belt, maybe forever. I will wear it and give my keys to Roxanne (after she gets over the initial shock, look at her face!!). She may let me out a few times in the first few weeks, as part of the training, or she may not. I will have to see. The belt is custom made and very comfortable compared to my old belts. I know how to clean and use the toilet, from years of experience. So I will be fine. I hope. Wish me luck!!