Prison time again!

BL561 | Posted by Gina on 12 August 2017

I booked some more time in the prison. It is a facility in Holland you can book some jail time ๐Ÿ™‚ Last time I went with Roxanne, but now I went alone. I did not choose the prison jumpsuit, but I wanted more restraints. So I got a waist chain, ankle cuffs and elbow cuffs! I also got gagged! It was a great afternoon as you can imagine! If you want to book some time there, I would recommend getting hogcuffed in the cell, so you can’t move for a few hours, that’s also fun! And for the guys they also have a female guard!

Another gift from a fan!

BL560 | Posted by Gina on 05 August 2017

This thing is pretty cool! I don’t know what it is called but it looks like something from a mental hospital. It has a mouth opening and that’s it. There is padding over the eyes and ears, and straps to make it tighter. I think it can even be locked so you can’t take it off! It would be very cool to spend some hours in this! When Roxanne is back I will ask her to try it with me, because I want my arms and legs restrained too (in Segufix of course). Very nice, thank you so much!

Trying electro pads

BL559 | Posted by Gina on 29 July 2017

I was scared. Even though I was told the pads ‘probably wouldn’t do anything’, I was very scared. And I was right, because they DID work! It’s a strange feeling, but it is a little intriguing as well. Don’t try this at home. Or maybe try it. I don’t know, just be safe. It is fun to feel your muscles contract, but it’s very scary to press the button. I don’t know what to think about this stuff! I think it would be easier if someone else held the controls!

The leather body bag

BL558 | Posted by Gina on 22 July 2017

More gifts from fans! A leather body bag? Yes, I know, it seems strange, but it’s also exciting I think! What if you were snugly laced into this and you couldn’t move, just wriggle! Well, of course, as with most fan gifts, this is a cheap Chinese item which is not made to my (small) size, so it is not as snug as I hoped. Still, it was a lot of fun to wriggle around in it, and I actually had some trouble getting out of it again!

Ballet boot training in ankle cuffs

BL557 | Posted by Gina on 15 July 2017

Let’s do this again! I know I’m not as good as some girls walking in these heels, but I can do it. I just have to keep practicing! Some of you have requested ankle cuffs (again) with the ballet boots, but that’s no problem at all. I can’t take big steps anyway, so it is like the ankle cuffs are not even there. In fact, they help to make the boots tighter so there is less risk of buckling. Watch me complete a few laps in the ballet boots, and please comment what you think about my progress! Can you do better?

Spreader bar troubles

BL556 | Posted by Gina on 08 July 2017

A spreader bar attached to the ceiling! I haven’t tried that very often yet! It is a lot harder than it looks, my arms got really tired after half an hour and there was not much I could do! It was fun to turn in circles though! For a while I really enjoyed it, but then I started wishing someone would come and unlock me!

How to hide full chastity gear

BL555 | Posted by Gina on 01 July 2017

I get so many questions from girls who are afraid to go out in their full chastity gear. Hiding it is no problem if you know what to do! First, start by wearing underwear over your belt. It may seem strange but trust me, it helps to create an excuse for some of the lines. If you wear a waist style belt like I do, wear a wide dress or top so the fabric is not tight on the belt. Your body shape will make sure the dress does not touch the belt. As for the bra, the shoulder chains will be visible probably, but that’s no problem, people will not know what it is and they will think it is part of your dress or maybe you are wearing a necklace! Easy!

Grocery shopping

BL554 | Posted by Gina on 24 June 2017

What is it like to live in a chastity belt? Well, I don’t even think about it anymore. I think most of you are more obsessed about my belt than I am. I just think it is normal. I would feel strange without my belt. It helps me focus on my daily tasks and it keeps me safe. I can do everything in a belt, including sports (horse riding), sleeping, and clean myself (quite good). There’s only 1 thing I can’t do hahaa. But going to the supermarket is easy. If you want to know what that looks like, watch today’s video! Well, usually I don’t lift my shirt all the time, but I had to show you that I am still belted!

Back to my old belt

BL553 | Posted by Gina on 17 June 2017

So I am going to go back to my old belt for a while, because the NeoSteel is in repair (don’t ask what happened lol). Anyway, a fan asked if I ever did hair bondage. I don’t think I did, but then again, I did so many things I can’t even remember hahaha ๐Ÿ˜€ Especially for you, I tried some hair bondage this week. It was very interesting, but I need to find out the proper technique because it did not look so good I think. It was a normal hogcuff with my hair tied to my toes! Let me know what you think!

Duo hogcuff

BL552 | Posted by Gina on 10 June 2017

I love hogcuffs so much! It’s time to do a double hogcuff with my dearest friend Roxanne. A duo hogcuff! Can we help each other to escape? Or will we just enjoy this position for a while? I just know that I am not very good at escaping and Roxanne hasn’t got much experience with bondage. So we are probably doomed. Would you let us out if you found us like this? We hope so!

Fan request – ski outfit

BL551 | Posted by Gina on 03 June 2017

A fan asked me to wear a ski outfit in bondage. I said ‘sure, send me one’, thinking I would never hear from him again. I get so many of these email requests. Sure enough, a few days later, a few complete ski outfits arrived. Ok, you got me there, now I had to do it. It was pretty hot, but I think it was a great comfortable feeling to be fiddled and gagged in this outfit! I may even take a ski holiday next winter (of course I will take my fiddle and gag then!). This is more interesting than I thought!

Massaged in Segufix

BL550 | Posted by Gina on 27 May 2017

Oh no, I am restrained in the hospital bed with Segufix bonds on my wrists, thighs and ankles! I hope no one will come in and give me a sensual massage! I mean, that would be terrible and I wouldn’t be able to do anything to stop them. Roxanne of course fell for my devious plan, and she started massaging me. It did not go quite as I expected, but hey, a massage is a massage!

A gift from a fan: leather hood

BL549 | Posted by Gina on 20 May 2017

I love gifts from fans! Unfortunately, the gifts are often made in China and one size only. That is a problem. The reason why I don’t order from China is that I am very small. Even the ‘female’ size of things you can order is way too big for me. This hood is the same, I think it is supposed to be very snug so you can breathe through the nose holes, but it is quite big and too loose, so it does not look good and it does not feel very restrictive. But thanks for sending it, I will try it on Roxanne! hahahahha

Plastic wrap stuff!

BL548 | Posted by Gina on 13 May 2017

In more than 10 years of bondage journey, I have tried so much I can’t even remember everything I did. But one thing that members always ask about is the plastic wrap. And I recently got a huge roll of the black stuff from some friends, so here we go: I am tightly wrapped up, like a Gina sausage! I love the feeling to be completely restricted! Of course, I had to test if I could escape from this stuff, which is a little harder than it looks. Watch the video and see if I can get out!

Irish 8 duo escape

BL547 | Posted by Gina on 06 May 2017

Irish 8 handcuffs are very hard to escape from. I can not really do it when they are locked behind my back with wrists parallel, even when I have the key. But what if me and Roxanne are BOTH cuffed in this way? It should be easier right? We could help each other. At least that was my plan, but you never know with Roxanne, maybe she doesn’t want to help me and she just wants to try to free herself…

The best sleeping position

BL546 | Posted by Gina on 29 April 2017

I found the best sleeping position! Well, of course I love sleeping on my side in a RigidFiddle, but this is even better. Because I feel all stretched out in the morning when I do this. The only problem with all my favorite sleeping positions is: I can not do it myself, and it is very strange to invite someone to lock you up in the evening and then ask them to come back in the morning. Roxanne will do it sometimes, but she is not available very often. She probably thinks I am crazy anyway. But I love it!

I love the RigidStocks!!

BL545 | Posted by Gina on 22 April 2017

Don’t you just love the RigidStocks? I have been locked into these a million times I think. They leave you completely vulnerable. But that’s ok because I am wearing a chastity belt, nothing can happen to me haha! I always try to escape from the RigidStock. It is impossible, I know, but it is fun to try, and I like it even more because it is inescapable. It’s not uncomfortable though, and it is not as heavy as it looks (although it is still pretty heavy). I could be in this for days!! Maybe I will try sleeping in it soon, do you think that will work?

Self cuffing

BL544 | Posted by Gina on 15 April 2017

Another request: I will show you how I cuff myself, as many of you seem to enjoy a bit of self cuffing! I will demonstrate cuffing myself in front and in the back. I am not good at escaping, so I have to be careful what I do when I am alone. Because sometimes I get stuck in very simple positions and I have to call Roxanne again to come free me. I know I should be better at this after 10 years, but it is really not so easy! Comment your favorite self cuffing stories below, and remember… don’t get yourself stuck!!

Awesome locking harness gag!

BL543 | Posted by Gina on 08 April 2017

This new harness gag is a locking one! With five padlocks, you can really lock it onto your head, and it can not be taken off without the keys! Roxanne will demonstrate this on me in the pictures and video. I think she forgot one of the padlocks though haha. But still, it is really exciting to be gagged with a harness gag you can not take off! I could easily spend a day like this (my jaw is fully gag trained as you know), but well… you have to eat and drink too! I just need to get one more (for Roxanne), so we can be gagged together for a day!

Prison time!

BL542 | Posted by Gina on 01 April 2017

In Holland, there is a place where you can get some prison time. They have uniforms, real waist chains and leg irons, and a cool cell! Me and Roxanne went there to get the experience (I had done this before, but she hadn’t). It’s really strict. No phone, no entertainment. You have to ask for toilet visits. Luckily we were together so we could talk, otherwise it can be really boring, and annoying because your wrists are cuffed to your waist. It’s exciting though! If you are in Holland, you really have to try this!