Neck cuff, ankle cuffs, handcuffs, thumbcuffs

BL285 | Posted by Gina on 28 April 2012

So a member requested to see me in a neck cuff, ankle cuff, handcuffs, and thumbcuffs. All restraints should be very tight. And I should wear socks. Well no problem! I love doing requests! I try to move around in these restraints, my handcuffs are looped through the neck cuff ring and my feet are cuffed in heavy leg irons, but I really don’t see any problem spending the rest of the day like this! I forgot to remove my collar, so that is a bonus for people who like my custom collar!

Pink zentai suit hogtie

BL284 | Posted by Gina on 21 April 2012

Wow it is a long time ago that I wore my pink zentai suit. It actually hurts some members’ eyes, which is funny! It is VERY pink! I am in a hogtie (again) with soft with rope and a pink ballgag. Maybe soft rope is too easy to escape, but if you watch the video you will see I have enjoyed this one! I even feel very submissive at the end, with the rope bra and the crotchrope! Nice feeling!

For sale

BL283 | Posted by Gina on 14 April 2012

What you see today is for sale! No, not me (you wish), but the metal shackles! LOL! It is a very good hand made set of restraints for wrists, ankles, neck, and waist! For sale now!! The original price was over 300 euro I think. I am modelling them for you this week, so you can see how they work. The sizes are more suitable for a female, so maybe someone out there wants to surprise his girlfriend? 🙂 Please email your bid! The buyer will get a free BL membership of course!!

Rubber outfit!

BL282 | Posted by Gina on 07 April 2012

Hi there, what do you think of this complete rubber outfit!? I wanted to show this to you so I can find out what you think about a rubber Gina! A kind of fashion show 🙂 But I lost the key to my collar some days ago, so I could not take the metal collar off 🙁 I’m sorry about that, you will have to ignore the collar! I love the feel of this rubber outfit, but I think I can take it a few steps further in the next updates, wait and see!!