The MetalBondage restraints

BL176 | Posted by Gina on 27 March 2010

I have been a model for MetalBondage a few times now. I have seen some great restraints there, and I asked to borrow them for an update on my own website. They agreed, so check out this week’s update with me wearing the MB collar and cuffs! Heavy and solid! Great stuff!

Straitjacket and tight gag

BL175 | Posted by Gina on 20 March 2010

A lot of requests for me in my straitjacket! But this time, everyone seems to want a really tight ballgag as well! You can not imagine how annoying it is to be strapped in a straitjacket while being gagged, there’s absolutely nothing you can do to escape, I started making all kinds of strange noises while trying to get out, even my cat came to check if I was alright 🙂

Taking a bath

BL174 | Posted by Gina on 13 March 2010

Ok, time to clean myself! Because of the chastity belt, just showering isn’t enough, I have to soak myself in a bath at least every two or three days. I don’t mind though, I love taking baths! Check out my bath time, members can enjoy this extra large topless picture set (and the video of course!).

Dirty old room

BL173 | Posted by Gina on 06 March 2010

I love exploring old buildings! And doing member requests! So why not do them both 🙂 A member wanted to see me in muzzle gag, fiddle, and riding pants. No problem, I will do anything for you 😉 Please send in your suggestions! Meanwhile, I will be exploring this old dirty room… let’s see if there’s anything interesting here…