Going to bed in my RigidFiddle

BL541 | Posted by Gina on 25 March 2017

For over ten years now, I have occasionally slept in my small RigidFiddle. It was made especially for me and it was very expensive. Because of the price, I really feel like I should be locked in it more, because it would be a waste of money otherwise. Faithful members will remember a very young me sleeping in the fiddle in 2007 or 2008, when I was still blonde. I have never stopped doing this, but I don’t sleep like this all the time, because I need someone with me to lock me in and let me out in the morning. A pair of handcuffs or leather cuffs is fine for most nights, but the small fiddle will always be special!

The old belt

BL540 | Posted by Gina on 18 March 2017

Sometimes I like to wear the old belt. It is not as rigid, because it has chains in the back. Don’t worry, I wear it very tight. But the old belt is a bit dated. The rubber is coming off, and my pussy gets trapped between the shields sometimes. I prefer the NeoSteel belt much more, it is a super tight fit, very rigid, impossible to touch myself. I don’t think I ever want to be without a chastity belt in my life again. I am so used to it! I would definitely miss it if I took it off. I hope there are more girls out there who are fully used to their belts. It takes a long time, maybe years, but it is worth it!

Neck cuffs, waist chains, leg irons

BL539 | Posted by Gina on 11 March 2017

All cuffed up! You wanted to see us all cuffed up! Well, we are, don’t miss it. We are locked in waist chains (official prison ones!) and ankle cuffs. In our little black dresses and heels! This is the best party outfit ever 🙂 We are also neck cuffed (available at SteelBound.co.uk) together, which is not so great for partying, but who cares, we are not going out anyway, we will just stay here and have some fun, all cuffed up for you to enjoy!

Harness ring gagged in thigh high boots

BL538 | Posted by Gina on 04 March 2017

How I like to spend my afternoons: cuffed and gagged, completely helpless (no escape possibilities please!). This was shot so long ago, I did not even have my chastity belt yet (don’t worry, I am not out of the belt, this really is an old update, look at my hair). This was shot with a fan, who cuffed me to the ceiling wearing thigh high boots. Nothing too difficult, but keeping your arms up for a long time and standing in high heels gets harder and harder, and it can be torture if you do it long enough!