Spreader bar and ballgag day

BL494 | Posted by Gina on 30 April 2016

You know, some days it is just time for a spreader bar and ballgag! I love this combination because I always want to take the gag out after a few hours. With the spreader bar, I can’t. So I am gagged until my wrists are released. This takes me to the point where the gag really becomes annoying and that is very exciting to me! Makes me a little aroused actually whahah 😀 It is true! What do you think of this new dress by the way? It was sent to me by a fan!! I get so many beautiful things from all of you, thank you so much!! xxx

Escape from a box

BL493 | Posted by Gina on 23 April 2016

This was the hardest escape ever! Cuffed in hinged handcuffs and leg irons, I was inside a huge cardboard box which was taped shut. It was incredibly difficult to get out of this box. Even when I broke the top, I could not step out of the box because of the ankle cuffs. I literally had to fall over to escape. Falling over with your hands cuffed behind your back in a huge box is not recommended. Do not try this at home!!

Handcuff practise for Roxanne

BL492 | Posted by Gina on 16 April 2016

My friend Roxanne wanted to know more about ballgags and handcuffs! She is quite new to all this and I have been doing it for over 10 years! So I invited her to my bedroom for a little practise! We gagged ourselves and used the Dutch handcuffs to explore various positions! It is really fun to show her some new things! I love Roxanne, she is my best friend in the whole world!

Chained to the wall!

BL491 | Posted by Gina on 09 April 2016

Aaah a straitjacket! It leaves your legs free, so you can just run away. Well, not this time. Because I am chained to the wall!! My collar is attached to the wall with a heavy chain, there is no way I can ever escape this! I’m gagged too, so I can yell for help. I’m just lucky the chain is long enough for me to be able to lie down and sleep!

Hogcuffed in the abandoned house

BL490 | Posted by Gina on 02 April 2016

I love being hogcuffed in strange places! I have been cuffed and gagged almost everywhere I have been, and this house is no exception! The attic is especially creepy, so I wanted to be hogcuffed and gagged there! Sorry about my dirty feet, by the way. My biggest fantasy is to be left there for a day, but that has never happened so far. You really need to be able to trust the person you are with, but then again, what if they get in an accident, or are unable to come back for me. I would be stuck forever!