In the closet

BL172 | Posted by Gina on 27 February 2010

I am in the closet! Or rather, cuffed to the closet rail, wearing my collar and big gag (the one that is so big it makes me yawn all the time, can anyone explain that to me?). The keys have been placed out of reach, and I have to find a way to get out of the closet… literally 😉

Trying the speedcuffs during chat

BL171 | Posted by Gina on 20 February 2010

I still haven’t managed the trick of unlocking speedcuffs when the keyholes are on the wrong side. That’s because I usually tighten the cuffs too much (I like tight!). During a chat, someone suggested that I should try it again. Will I be able to do it this time? Or will I fail again?

Fiddled to the ladder

BL170 | Posted by Gina on 13 February 2010

Last night, I was practising going up and down a ladder in my fiddle. Why? Well, because I want to be able to do everything in a fiddle. Everything? Yes, everything *grin* But then someone had a stupid idea and fiddled me to the ladder. Now I have to drag the ladder along everywhere I go *grrrrr*

Another ballet boot training session

BL169 | Posted by Gina on 06 February 2010

I still have trouble walking in ballet boots. I don’t think I have the right toes for it, they are kind of funny, the second toe is larger than my big toe, so it hurts a lot to walk in ballet boots. I still want to try it though, these shoes are sooooo nice, I will keep practising! Wish me luck!