Treadmill ballet boot challenge with Roxanne

BL572 | Posted by Gina on 28 October 2017

I am always practicing in my ballet boots, and I can walk in them, go up the stairs, and even move around in ankle cuffs. Just search this website for ballet boots and you will find me doing a lot of things in them! Roxanne has never tried them (or at least not walking in them), so I thought it would be fun to see who is the best on the treadmill. The advantage of the treadmill is that you can support yourself a little, so there is less weight on the toes. But it is still seriously hard. And dangerous, so don’t try this at your local gym!

Cooperation challenge!

BL571 | Posted by Gina on 21 October 2017

This was very hard! We wanted to do a challenge where we had to cooperate. So I was handcuffed to the radiator and Roxanne was hogcuffed a few feet away from me. I couldn’t reach the key, so she had to crawl around to get it and then hand it to me so I could release her. At least, that was the plan. Unfortunately, Roxanne is very inexperienced at being hogcuffed and she could hardly move. So we were hopelessly stuck for a good while. Did we manage to escape? Watch the video and find out!

Spreader gag try out with Roxanne

BL570 | Posted by Gina on 14 October 2017

Oh my god I love spreader gags! I have loved them for over 12 years! Do you remember when I was a young Gina and I was practicing a lot with my spreader gag? It was such a great time. It also explains why I am very good with spreader gags and Roxanne isn’t. She is actually trying it today for the first time ever. I think she has talent, but she needs a lot more spreader gag time, don’t you think??

Tickle time!

BL569 | Posted by Gina on 07 October 2017

One of the things I hate the most is tickling! Especially when I am in bondage! I get many requests for it, but I almost never do it, because I literally die. Seriously, I can’t take it. BUT… that doesn’t mean I can’t tickle OTHER people heheheheh. Now, my best friend Roxanne is also very ticklish, so this should be lots of fun! Also, leaving Roxanne cuffed to a cross is so much fun I couldn’t resist it 😀