Double ballgag!

BL525 | Posted by Gina on 03 December 2016

What would life be like if you were ballgagged to another person, lips to lips, 24/7?! I don’t want to think about it, that would really suck! I love Roxanne but this is going too far, I think! We tried, but we definitely couldn’t stay like this for a long time. We can’t even sleep like this! I can sleep ballgagged after years of training (don’t try that at home), but Roxanne can not, she has only been gagged a few times!! Still, it is pretty hot to be stuck in an eternal kiss!

Panther catsuit!

BL524 | Posted by Gina on 26 November 2016

Raaaaaaaaaaaaawr! I’m a panther! Or leopard. I don’t know exactly what I am, but I love it! It is a tight spandex catsuit which covers everything, even the hands and feet. There are eye holes and a mouth hole, that’s it! With a thick leather collar locked over it, I can not even take it off. I’m pet Gina! Who wants to have a pet Gina? I love pet play!

I needed another massage

BL523 | Posted by Gina on 19 November 2016

It is really getting more and more tough to be in the chastity belt. I am barely getting through the day sometimes, a girl has needs too!! Maybe it was easier years ago, but I think I may be too horny at the moment. The belt is often completely wet on the inside, and I have to take a shower to clean it. It is a lot of work! I am getting more and more stressed. Roxanne is one of my 3 keyholders, and she sometimes gives me a massage, but I think I am about to give up! Do you think I should give up?

Selfie time!

BL522 | Posted by Gina on 12 November 2016

The fan who sent me this custom made NeoSteel belt has asked me to take a lot of selfies regularly, to prove I’m still wearing it. Well here is a collection of those selfies and even a few pictures of me going shopping in the belt. I am locked into this belt 24/7. There are 3 keys, all held by different persons. They help me every day to take my daily break (only 1 break per day for toilet – big one / number 2 – and shower). I can pee in the belt and even showering will be no problem soon, I am really getting used to it! Actually I feel VERY weird if I am out of the belt. I will try to break my old record of 2008-2010: no touching myself, no orgasms for over 2 years! I can do it!

Elbow cuffing Roxanne

BL521 | Posted by Gina on 05 November 2016

Roxanne told me she is not that flexible. So I made her a bet. I said she could easily be cuffed at her elbows with a pair of short hinged cuffs. Roxanne said there was no way she could do that! Of course, I was right, although it was not easy for poor Roxanne, it was her first elbow cuffing ever. Or at least, her first one that was this tight! By the way, I gagged her during this bet, I don’t know why, so don’t ask me hahah, I guess I just automatically assume a gag is needed for these kinds of things.

Pet play with Roxanne

BL520 | Posted by Gina on 29 October 2016

I have always wanted to experience pet play! Roxanne seemed to be up for it, so I was very happy! A very happy puppy! I can lots of tricks you see. I can roll over, play dead, and even fetch things. Well I don’t think Roxanne is a very strict or good trainer, and I would prefer to find a good Master, but then again, I have been looking for a Master for over 10 years now. Maybe it is better to play with Roxanne once in a while!

The best way to do the dishes

BL519 | Posted by Gina on 22 October 2016

Everyone knows I try to make my life more interesting with self imposed rules. I am not allowed to watch tv or use a computer without being gagged and cuffed. My fans know that if I email them back, that email was written in gag and handcuffs at least! It’s pretty exciting! I also try to do most household chores in restraints, because that is really the only way to actually do them. Doing the dishes is just too boring, and I would never do it if I couldn’t make it somehow a little bit more exciting!

The rigid spreader bar!

BL518 | Posted by Gina on 15 October 2016

I have tried this thing a few times already, and I love it so much!! I wish I owned one, but they are too expensive. But I got to borrow it again for a few days, so I really wanted to spend a lot of time in this device! I just love how I really can not do anything when I am locked in this! It is impossible to escape and I can’t move! I love it love it love it! x

Chastity belt stress

BL517 | Posted by Gina on 08 October 2016

I told Roxanne I was feeling a little stressed. It’s this chastity belt. After my 2 year wearing period in 2008-2010, I swore never to wear a chastity belt again. And all of you (fans) kept asking me, begging me even… until one fan bought me a NeoSteel. Custom made for me. And I couldn’t resist. So now I am locked in the belt again, but I don’t think I will ever break my old record. I’ve only been belted for 3 months and it is very hard. Roxanne (who has one of my keys) always comforts me and gives me massages. Which I really need very badly!! Super stressed at the moment. I hate AND love my belt!

Let’s play darts!

BL516 | Posted by Gina on 01 October 2016

Playing darts is not easy, I’m really bad at this game. But playing darts handcuffed AND leg ironed to a friend is even harder! First of all, we are both right handed, so Roxanne has to throw with her cuffed hand (which is attached to my left wrist). And after every 3 darts, we have to walk to the board TOGETHER (even if it wasn’t my turn) to get the darts. We have to coordinate everything! Very hard, especially since we are already very bad at playing darts. Maybe next time you want to join us in a friendly game?

Bikini prison

BL515 | Posted by Gina on 24 September 2016

This would be my perfect life! In prison, wrists cuffed and ballgag (unable to remove ballgag). Such a dream life! I wish this was possible 24/7! I really need to find a rich guy who can support me (so I don’t have to work) and who can afford a private prison in the basement. I wouldn’t need anything else! Just this life! Please someone do this to me forever!!!!

Still locked

BL514 | Posted by Gina on 17 September 2016

Thanks all for your lovely questions and requests about my NeoSteel chastity belt! I am still locked (all three keys are with Roxanne currently), and it is going very well. I can use the toilet with the belt on. I can sleep, eat, run, drive a car, and go to work. No one seems to notice my belt. But I still need cleaning breaks, so I am allowed to take it off for a good shower and clean once a week, because otherwise infections and irritations might start to develop!!

Double ballgag fun!!

BL513 | Posted by Gina on 10 September 2016

OMG we received a double ballgag! So much fun! It’s basically two ballgags riveted together! So when you are gagged with a friend, you really are very close together! Actually our noses were touching! It is very hard to move, because I didn’t want to hurt Roxanne, and getting up or sitting down requires a lot of coordinating. Which is hard if you can not talk. Remember, only try this if you are VERY good friends!

Sleeping in my chastity belt

BL512 | Posted by Gina on 03 September 2016

A lot of fans have emailed me about my new NeoSteel belt. Yes, I am trying to stay locked (hopefully forever from now on) and no, I don’t have the keys. Roxanne has the keys at the moment. There are 3 keys, she has all of them, but maybe I should only let her have 1 key and distribute the other 2 to other people or places. Male and female fans have asked me how I can sleep in my belt. I do not understand this question. I mean, you just sleep. My belt is a super perfect fit, and it is very comfortable, I can do anything in my belt, including sleeping. Good night!

Red elbow cuffs

BL511 | Posted by Gina on 27 August 2016

Oooh look at my new red leather cuffs! Wrist cuffs and elbow cuffs! I am cuffed in a very comfortable position, I could stay like this for hours… no for days!! I love these cuffs because they have tiny little slots so you can make them very tight. And then you can use padlocks to secure them. They are very sturdy thick leather, so no escape!

Hogcuff duo struggle

BL510 | Posted by Gina on 20 August 2016

I love struggling with my best friend Roxanne! Being in a hogcuff position is so much fun, but it’s even better if your best friend is cuffed on the floor next to you! Try it at home! All you need is two pairs of handcuffs and two pairs of ankle cuffs! No padlocks needed! It’s quite hard to get out of a hogcuff, but maybe we can do it if we work together?

Finally, a relaxed evening

BL509 | Posted by Gina on 13 August 2016

Hands cuffed to my belt, a nice soda, and watching TV. That’s a nice relaxed evening for me. Actually, I’m cheating because I am not allowed to watch TV without being gagged but wel… my hands are already cuffed to the belt so it is not my fault I can’t gag myself! Hahhaah 🙂 Don’t worry, I will gag myself later! I hope you are enjoying some well deserved relaxation too, or maybe you are even relaxing by enjoying this update! Anyway, have fun!

How I do my make up

BL508 | Posted by Gina on 06 August 2016

Would you like to see how I do my make up? Well, probably like any other girl. Except for the ballgag and handcuffs of course, but that’s not my fault, that’s the fault of the other girls. They should be gagged and cuffed too, it is so much fun! I live a bound life, and it is my choice. I have been fired, laughed at, stared at, and more, but I don’t care. I’m almost always in cuffs and a gag. And always collared. That’s how I feel most safe and happy. It is my life.

Making the bed

BL507 | Posted by Gina on 30 July 2016

I was making the bed when Roxanne dropped by. She is so funny! Roxanne is very curious about my chastity belt, so she takes every opportunity to look at it and ask lots of questions about it. I did not even know her yet when I was locked for 2 years (from 2008 till 2010), so for her it is all new. I don’t think she will ever lock herself in a chastity belt, but she sure is very curious!

Cuffed alone at home

BL506 | Posted by Gina on 23 July 2016

(Yes, I am still locked in my chastity belt, this update was shot before I got locked in my NeoSteel) – I love five point restraints! Neck, wrists, and ankles! Especially if the chain is very short so I can not walk or stand up! It is fun, and I have spent many hours watching TV like this. Now, sleeping is a different story. It is possible, but please don’t try this unless you have some experience sleeping in cuffs. Make sure to double lock your cuffs (especially your neck cuff) so they can not tighten overnight!! Take care and have fun! xx