Prison restraints 🪑⛓️

BL827 | Posted by Roxy on 15 April 2023

I wish I lived in the USA! Did you know that you can get shackled like this over there? Here in the Netherlands it’s only handcuffs, but in the USA you get a full restraints set, with waist chain, blue box, and leg irons! It’s so much better! Luckily, FoToRo owns some of this stuff so I got to walk around in it for a while. It is amazing! I need to get myself a set of this to wear at home! Do you wear restraints at home?

Comments (4)

  1. I don’t, but my slave does. Usually without the blue box so she can perform her daily tasks at home. But, when I am at home, I add a chain belt and padlock her cuffs to the belt (just like the blue box).
    It was hard for her at the beginning, but now, after three years, she got used to that.

  2. Maybe you should try this wearing High heels too and a nice ball gag.

  3. OMG I love prison restraints. I’ve been in this type of set only once, but I have something similar I wear at home often. Difference is hands are cuffed to the sides, but shackles and connector chain are the same. You should definitely get yourself a set to wear at home. It’s well worth it to be able to wear cuffs like these anytime

  4. I am usually in restraints at home. When I get home, I lock myself up and store the keys in a time controlled safe, so I can remove them when I need to leave the next day, but not before.

    However, the chastity belt stays on for 1-2 weeks at a time.

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