Back to my old belt

BL553 | Posted by Gina on 17 June 2017

So I am going to go back to my old belt for a while, because the NeoSteel is in repair (don’t ask what happened lol). Anyway, a fan asked if I ever did hair bondage. I don’t think I did, but then again, I did so many things I can’t even remember hahaha 😀 Especially for you, I tried some hair bondage this week. It was very interesting, but I need to find out the proper technique because it did not look so good I think. It was a normal hogcuff with my hair tied to my toes! Let me know what you think!

Comments (3)

  1. It tends to work out better if you braid your hair. Longer hair does work better too. It is also better if you don’t tie the rope right to the hair unless you weave the rope into a braid.

  2. Good to know you have a backup belt. Stay belted my friend, stay belted.

  3. I really like this! Hogties are some if my favorite poses!

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