Posture collar and armbag

BL463 | Posted by Gina on 26 September 2015

Oooooh I got this new posture collar!! So I wanted to try it straight away! It’s very different, it has an actual chin rest! Which is great! I can not move my head at all, but at least my face can rest! I am also strapped in one of those armbag armbinders, they are very comfortable as well! You might say this is a very comfortable update!! Hmm, well, I have to be honest, the posture collar is a little big for me, so if anyone wants to buy it just contact me!

Comments (4)

  1. Thanks! You can buy the collar!

  2. One problem is I have an 8 inch penis and cam not wear the curve without it getting twisted and pulling on me when I walk no matter how I wear my pants (ouch).

    The second problem is the unknown duration. At random nights I get so aggressive I can’t sleep without orgasming. Other times it feels great just to abstain. The issue is its random. A sleepless night could occur after 1 day without sex or over a month. I could not function or work without sleeping for two days. I start falling asleep driving I look awful in meetings and can’t complete any work.


  3. Just so you don’t get the wrong idea of me.. I don’t have to orgasm to sleep. It’s only some nights I get very aggressive. Tonight 09/27/15 the moon is to appear large and have an eclipse. Good chance I will be climbing on the roof or breaking something tonight ALOL!! I hope it is beautiful

  4. I had an ex-gf that was really into chastity, she wanted to be belted and collared 24/7, obviously for practical reasons, they had to come off now and then and she eventually lost interest in it.

    It was still a lot of fun though.

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