Prisoner outfit

BL025 | Posted by Gina on 12 May 2007

This week I did a very special member request. A member sent me a brand new prisoner costume and wrote me an email with very specific instructions on how I should be chained up. I had lots of fun in my new prisoner dress, walking in chains like this is hard! Check out all pictures and videos in the member section!


BL024 | Posted by Gina on 05 May 2007

This week you can see me reading!! Isn’t that boring? Well, not if I add my trusty ballgag, some legirons and handcuffs! Many cool video clips this time, gagging and ungagging, changing my clothes, cuffing myself, removing my gag to eat chocolate and more silly stuff!!

Bound in nurse outfit

BL023 | Posted by Gina on 28 April 2007

Two member requests in one! Some of you wanted to see me in my nurse uniform, and some of you wanted to see me wearing my pink Baby-G! Well how about those two things combined in a rigid rope tie plus my trusty red ballgag!? I know you will love this picture set and the video clips ๐Ÿ™‚

Fiddled in the forest

BL022 | Posted by Gina on 21 April 2007

The weather is getting better! Time to get a little sun on my skin… I love taking a walk in the forest, but it is even better in bondage! So I got out my trusty fiddle and got myself into all kinds of situations in the lovely sunlit forest!

Chatting, cuffed, collared and gagged

BL021 | Posted by Gina on 14 April 2007

Chatting is one of my hobbies. But when I log on nowadays, LOTS of people want to talk to me ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s a lot of work answering the same questions over and over, but I still love to chat to my faithful members! Here is a little peek at what I sometimes look like during chatting… but not always ๐Ÿ˜‰

Bound on the bed

BL020 | Posted by Gina on 07 April 2007

Ok, so some members wanted to see me tied up good, after all these light sets I have done. Well this week I was tied up very good on my bed! All the knots were out of reach of my hands and I could not escape. You can see me try in 2 very cool video clips! I am also wearing my ballet boots in this update ๐Ÿ™‚

Ironing in spreader bar and ballgag

BL019 | Posted by Gina on 31 March 2007

I hate ironing!!! To make it a little more exciting, a member had suggested I wear a ballgag and spreader bar while ironing! Well, I can tell you now: it’s even more frustrating!! I am making a total mess of it… getting hot and frustrated… But it’s life; bound life!

New collar and cuffs from SM-Factory!

BL018 | Posted by Gina on 24 March 2007

I received a new collar and 2 wristcuffs from!! They are sooo nice! I am proud to have found such beautiful things in my size! They are very heavy and they feel very nice and comfortable. I made two cool videos of me putting them on and taking them off, check out the member section!

Getting cuffs to front in ballet boots

BL017 | Posted by Gina on 17 March 2007

A member request again! One of you wanted to see if I can get my hands in front of me when handcuffed behind my back. Easy! Then he asked to do the same, only this time wearing ballet boots!! It was very hard, the heels are really big… did I succeed? Just look at the picture set in the member section!

Two spreader bars!

BL016 | Posted by Gina on 10 March 2007

This Saturday you can see a picture set of me locking myself into 2 spreader bars. Spreader bars are sooo frustrating! I am totally helpless… grrr! I also added a video clip, sorry it’s so short but it’s better than nothing. I will do longer clips soon, I promise. Enjoy this update!!

A gift from a member!!

BL015 | Posted by Gina on 03 March 2007

A gift from a member!! I wonder what it could be… I love gifts!! And it’s not even my birthday yet (soon it will be)… Watch this picture set as I unwrap this kind member’s gift and try it on!! It’s a perfect fit! How did you know my measurements? Oh wait, they are on this website ๐Ÿ˜‰ Thank you very much!!!

Ballgagged in the bathroom

BL014 | Posted by Gina on 24 February 2007

Another member request! I am getting so much requests it’s hard to keep up! This time you see me in the bathroom brushing my hair while ballgagged, yep that’s really something I do almost every day ๐Ÿ™‚ I think you know by now I love my ballgag ๐Ÿ˜‰

Prisoner in the forest

BL013 | Posted by Gina on 17 February 2007

My website is growing! Quite a few new members joined, thank you all!! This encourages me to continue! Here is another member’s request: me in handcuffs and legirons in the forest, like an escaped prisoner. I don’t have any problems at all walking in legirons, so I wonder why they are used?

Me trying out a lot of stuff

BL012 | Posted by Gina on 10 February 2007

Today, there is just an update of me trying all kinds of stuff. A ballgag, a posture collar, two pairs of hinged handcuffs, and legirons. Some nice positions and a cool video of me trying to unlock everything! This was shot in the beginning so I don’t know how the cuffs work which is really funny ๐Ÿ™‚

Waking up in the fiddle

BL011 | Posted by Gina on 03 February 2007

As promised, an update of me sleeping in the fiddle. I can unlock myself if I put the lock on top, but it’s very difficult because it is not a model ‘8’ fiddle but a model ‘oo’ fiddle. You will see what I mean if you look at the picture set! Check out the video clips of me sleeping and waking up (stupid alarm clock) in the RigidFiddle!!

Horseriding Cap in the Forest

BL010 | Posted by Gina on 27 January 2007

Again, a very special member request. I received a very detailed email from a member for this update. It involved my horseriding helmet and some other things. Frustrating! Could not get the gag out or the helmet off!! Thanks for the cool idea ๐Ÿ™‚

Cuff hogtie

BL009 | Posted by Gina on 20 January 2007

You requested it: a cuff hogtie! Elbows and wrists in hinged cuffs! See me struggle in this cool update. I was in this for about 45 minutes, so not very long. And yes, I know, I should have left the pillow out… sorry, won’t do that next time… I’ll be good!

First time in ballet boots!

BL008 | Posted by Gina on 13 January 2007

Today’s update is about my first time in ballet boots (last weekend)! There are lots of video clips where you can see me trying to walk and putting on / taking off the ballet boots! I had so much fun I didn’t want to take them off again! Please let me know if you would like to see more of the ballet boots, because I would love to show you more!

Chained to a tree in the forest

BL007 | Posted by Gina on 06 January 2007

Saturday update! See me chained to a tree in my leather wrist cuffs! I love doing outdoor shoots, but it will be winter soon! Well maybe some snow shoots?!? Enjoy this update!

Wearing a harness ring gag – first time!!

BL006 | Posted by Gina on 30 December 2006

Saturday is update-day ๐Ÿ™‚ This is a cool picture set of me wearing my harness ring gag for the very first time! I was embarassed by how much I was drooling! And I was drooling even more when I found a Chupa Chup lollipop and couldn’t do much with it… grrr ๐Ÿ™‚