The evil nipple pull predicament 😱

BL730 | Posted by Roxy on 05 June 2021

This is really hard to explain in pictures or text, you have to watch the video to understand how hard it was to do this challenge. I am handcuffed behind my back, nipple clamps are attached to two padlocks by a thin rope. The rope is running from the nipple clamps to the ceiling and back to the padlocks resting on the floor. I have to walk backwards to get the key that is way behind me. But as I move back, I am lifting up the padlocks by my nipple clamps, causing a lot of pain. I have to walk very far back to get hold of the key, and then try to open the handcuffs. Which I still can’t do. This was a very evil predicament!

Comments (1)

  1. Nice predicament! I did something similar many years ago. My nibble clamps were attached to a wire above me, my legs were tied together and I was blindfolded. If I didn’t go in a perfect straight line I would feel the pull on my nibbles, but going in the right direction all the time is very difficult when you cannot see. It took me a very long time to get the handcuff key.

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